Latest News From OS3 re: TFX

Jerry Schmoyer
6:36 PM (5 hours ago)
to, bcc: me

OS3 Customers,
It has been a very busy few months for us here. We are finally able to start shipping out orders within a week of receipt, sometimes even the same day. Due to my main job, there will still be times where I am gone for the week and orders may take a week or two to ship. Those instances do not happen very often.

After almost a year of testing, we finally have the armatures performing like we want. Unfortunately, we are not receiving them in enough quantity to satisfy our demands. We were hoping to get some 20 ohm armatures with our next shipment, as they have become very popular, but they are not coming. Since our initial quote, we have added numerous processes to the production of the armatures. The addition of these processes, combined with the major jump in the value of copper and the fact that Air Freight is the only viable shipping option at this time, our price for the armatures has nearly doubled our initial quote. This increase, along with the global 11% increase in the price of most items, including our plastic and axles, we are forced to raise the price of the TFX chassis to $29.95. For those who have been ordering many TFX at a time we will be offering one Free TFX for every 10 ordered. The free TFX will be of our choice but will be similar to those in the order. This will effectively keep the price at $27 ea. for those customers.

With the introduction of the 5.5 ohm armature into our inventory we are also adding an 11T brass gear to the TFX Upgrade page. This gear meshes perfectly with our plastic gears and can provide a more solid grip on the armature shaft for heavy torque/high downforce drag racing. This gear may or may not be required depending on the TFX’s setup. It is not required for stock TFX operation and has also shown to be unnecessary for TFX’s running Black Dragon magnets.

While we can’t offer the 20 ohm armature for sale at this time, we do have a small amount of the other 4 values available that we will be offering for sale. We will be limiting the sale quantity to 10 total arms per week. There is no quantity discount on armatures at this time. Our Cart will not allow us to limit the quantities but we will reduce any orders over the limit to 10. Again, quantities are very limited, so we suggest ordering soon before they sell out. We will NOT be offering any 5.5, 14.5, or 18 ohm armatures in our Ready-to-Run cars at this time.

In addition to our Typhoon Motors we have unwrapped virgin blanks available. These are intended for the drag racers and others who wish to wrap their own motors. Each armature blank comes with a brand new commutator. No need to unwrap good motors, these are as good as it gets for motor winders.

Our controllers have also suffered from worldwide events, preventing us from stocking all the parts required to make them. Currently, stock is not expected until the Summer/Fall timeframe, 2022. There is hope that a small amount may become available from a source in the next few weeks. If this works out, all controllers will go back into full production. As our current parts inventory stands, we are only accepting waiting list orders, via email, for the HO ALL Pro and HO ALL Pro Elite controllers (Please include Handle and Wire color with your request). We do have a waiting list for HO Lite controllers but will not be making any more of them until the stock situation works itself out.

Thanks for your patronage,

Stewart Raceway Series Points System

All points are awarded at the end of each completed race, not segments (heat).

Race Finishing Position Points


Race “Finishing Ahead Of” Points

Drivers BehindPoints
These points are only awarded to finishing positions 4th on down. The concept here is to finish ahead of as many cars as you can. For example, if you finish 4th in a complete race and nine (9) racers finish behind you, you’ll end up with three (3) additional points, which really adds up in a race series or season points.

Race Series and Season Appearance Points

100% appearance in any given series garners one (1) additional point.

Race Report: 2021 50/50 Series, Round 5 Finale

Overall Series and Concourse de Elegance Winner, Ian Douglass.

Despite missing one race of the five race series, Ian Douglass went into the final round 20-points ahead of second in points, George Peters, which meant that it was going to be tough for anyone to keep Ian from winning the overall prize.

Of course, winning any racing series rarely comes easy and this one was no exception. While George was laser-focused on besting Ian for the top podium spot, Rookie of the Year candidate, Brad Sandhahl, had other plans for the finale.

Brad, who started the series late, went into Round 5 just slightly behind George in 3rd place. Given all drivers could only use points from four of the five rounds, George would lose 45-points from Round 2. This meant that Brad was really only 10-points behind George in the overall standings going into the final round.

While George fought hard and landed on the podium in two of the six official races, Brad managed six podium visits on the day and won the Round 5 overall. Quite impressive driving for a newcomer to the Bay Area H.O. racing scene.

Ian Douglass, meanwhile, finished Round 5 solidly in second place with 67.75 points, three podium visits, and a convincing win in the Viper-Jet race. Easily topping the series field in points and taking home the prestigious 2021 50/50 Racing Series winner’s trophy and Concourse de Elegance award.

Concourse de Elegance Winner, Ian Douglass

Overall Results Round 5:

PlaceDriverLapsPointsTotal Time
1Brad Sandahl463732592.138
2Ian Douglass451612584.789
3George Peters435472656.981
4Russ Toy411362696.23
5Greg Kondrek300341831.149
6Kevin Webster400282664.97
7Jordan Walker364242701.674

Race 1: Jag Hobbies TR-3 “Modified” (IROC)

Steve Stewart, Ian Douglass, Brad Sandahl
PlaceNameLapsPointsTotal Time
1Steve Stewart7816355.544
2Ian Douglass7713365.045
3Brad Sandahl7611354.25
4George Peters747361.605
5Russ Toy716357.823
6Kevin Webster695370.59
7Jordan Walker654369.752

Race 2: Jag Hobbies NC-2 GT-40 “Lites”

Brad Sandahl, Russ Toy, George Peters
PlaceNameLapsPointsTotal Time
1Brad Sandahl7816391.733
2Russ Toy7713420.563
3George Peters7611422.458
4Steve Stewart717411.922
5Jordan Walker686402.324
6Ian Douglass675405.191
7Kevin Webster634407.825

Race 3: OS3 TFX “Lites” (IROC)

Steve Stewart, Ian Douglass, Brad Sandahl
PlaceNameLapsPointsTotal Time
1Steve Stewart8016671.161
2Ian Douglass8013687.71
3Brad Sandahl7611668.982
4Greg Kondrek757673.045
5George Peters746666.305
6Kevin Webster665687.497
7Russ Toy654709.38
8Jordan Walker593682.935

Race 4: Viper-Jet (Lexan)

Ian Douglass, Steve Stewart, Brad Sandahl
PlaceNameLapsPointsTotal Time
1Ian Douglass7916433.585
2Steve Stewart7813469.994
3Brad Sandahl7611442.482
4Greg Kondrek767444.034
5George Peters626472.588
6Kevin Webster615473.701
7Russ Toy584492.182
8Jordan Walker373519.744

Race 5: Super G+ “F1/Indy” Lexan (IROC)

Steve Stewart, Brad Sandahl, George Peters
PlaceNameLapsPointsTotal Time
1Steve Stewart8016401.945
2Brad Sandahl7913410.672
4Ian Douglass7811391.143
3George Peters777417.815
5Kevin Webster716421.132
6Russ Toy695413.443
7Greg Kondrek694419.093
8Jordan Walker633406.53
Lap Totals Adjusted: Ian lost 5-laps in this race due to exceeding the preset minimum lap time in the blue lane.

Race 6: Viper V-Spec “Lexan”

Greg Kondrek, Steve Stewart, Brad Sandahl
PlaceNameLapsPointsTotal Time
1Greg Kondrek8016294.977
2Steve Stewart8013322.858
3Brad Sandahl7811324.019
4Ian Douglass757302.115
5George Peters726316.21
6Jordan Walker725320.389
7Russ Toy714302.839
8Kevin Webster703304.225

Overall Series Final Points Standings

Driver Race #1#2#3#4#5Appearance PointsTotal Points
Ian Douglas67.2596082.2567.754317.25
Brad Sandahl0518062.5734270.5
George Peters5906654.550.755235.25
Russ Toy35.53604541.54162
Kevin Webster33.7503837.25335147
Jordan Walker27.253749026.54143.75
Greg Kondrek56.7500037.5296.25
Mike Andrews550000156

The 2021 50/50 Series Finale

The final race of the series!

The champ will be crowned, the suspense will be over, the accolades of victory and the end of our toil will be realized.

November 20, 2021 is the date. Sign-up now and be there for the grand finale race.

We’re also presenting a “Concourse de Elegance” award to driver who grids the most cool looking Builder (or IROC) cars of the day. Prior to each “official” race, we’ll vote on the best looking car(s). The driver/owner with the most votes wins.

Don’t forget to list your sandwich choice and any other important notes when you sign-up for the race.

Looking forward to this event and also to the next series, of course.

Okay, shut-up and drive!