A Track Day Racing Fest

Just a few drivers showed up for this one but we sure did a whole lot of racing. Our newest driver, Aaron Castro, braved the Beachcomber traffic and got to the track around 12:40. Webster MotoSports arrived around noon so we got to business by 1:00.

Kevin and I were dinking around with “paper” bodies for various chassis’ when Aaron arrived. Cheap but not without their own issues. Paper bodies have been around for years. The draw is the customization possible and almost zero weight. The plan is to come up with a simple template that anyone could use to make a body. Of course, paper bodies are primarily intended for a body-clip chassis, replacing heavy and expensive plastic or 3D-printed hard bodies.

Once we figure out a workable design we’ll move the material to some thin synthetic material, which will be obviously more durable and easier to secure to the chassis.

On To Racing Action

I won’t bore you all with details but we did seven (7) Dash races, all on the same lane assignment, and all 40 laps. Aaron won the first race running our MegaG+ Support Class cars and he won the last race running Wizzard Storm Extreme cars, courtesy of Webster Motorsports. As you can see, the racing was very close and the cars were all vastly different, from very loose Box Stock TFX cars to Wizzard Storm Extreme magnet cars, we did a lot of racing for a track day.

Place Name Laps Points Total Time
1 Steve Stewart 239 98 2932.967
2 Aaron Castro 236 82 2954.773
3 Kevin Webster 216 66 2950.298

A very fun track day in spite of the heat wave. We stayed on SR3 instead of going indoors and enjoying SR2 in an air-conditioned environment. Had the fans going and the doors wide open.

Thanks for showing up, guys! 


Track Day Report

A few hours on the SR3 straight road course and a few races. Team Maddox, Pearson Racing, and Fast Lane Racing showed up to cut some laps and run a few Dash races.

Bottom line: Jerry Pearson dominated the Dash racing with two wins. However, Shaylin Maddox (Abe’s Mom) was so close in second that we needed to review the tapes.

Place Name Laps Points Total Time
1 Jerry Pearson 75 46 1037.239
2 Shaylin Maddox 72 41 1040.78
3 Eric Lane 62 30 1088.66
4 Steve Stewart 56 20 1050.672
5 Abe Maddox 14 11 224.264
6 Grace Maddox 11 7 225.035

Jerry won two of the three but Shaylin won one and was extremely close (1000/sec) in the other two. Both drivers were running Team Fast Lane Vipers. Way close racing!

I’m hoping to get back to some formal racing next weekend. Stay tuned for details on that.

Okay, shut up and drive.

New MegaG+ Editions

I’m sure some of you have seen these cars out there. RaceMasters has released a few new body styles for the MegaG+ 1.7 chassis. I really like those presented here.

I know buying a car for just the body is silly but these bodies are pretty cool. If you’re planning on purchasing additional MG+ platforms, I’d choose one or more of these. They come with a 1.7 chassis but the bodies are impressive also.

You can find these complete cars out there from $30 plus shipping.



Any interest in running these at some point?

RC Superstore has great prices.

Open Track Day Report

Awesome track day today!

Thank you for coming over and cutting some laps with me!

We had a smaller turnout than expected but the entire Team Maddox crew, Webster Motorsports, and a new driver to Stewart Raceway, Aaron Castro, showed up in force.

Just a bunch of Dash races and a few demo events to show Aaron some features of SlotTrak. But still filled the day with slot car action and went well into the night.

Aaron met Jerry a month ago to purchase a controller Jerry was selling on CL. Jerry must have done an excellent job of promoting Stewart Raceway because Aaron emailed me sometime later and expressed interest in a visit to the track to check things out.

Turns out, Aaron and I raced together way back in the mid to late 1970s in both northern and southern California. Neither one of us remembers each other but we frequented the same tracks during that period–a small world!

A much longer story to share here but the bottom line is that Aaron is all-in on HO slot car racing and could very well be a new venue for our club to expand to. A great guy, a great driver, and an excellent addition to our program. Thanks, Jerry!

Again, thank you all for making it a great day!

That’s all I’ve got for now. I owe Aaron some informational links on some other interesting tracks and info.

Okay, shut up and drive!



Track Day Report: Team Racing

Abe Maddox way ready for the start.

We tried something different and it seemed like everyone enjoyed it.

Just three races were preceded by a qualifying session, which paired up the fastest drivers with the slowest drivers for a subsequent team race-off.


Name Lap Time Speed (Mph) Place
Steve Stewart 5.173 631 1
Abe Maddox 5.322 614 2
Jerry Pearson 5.643 579 3
Shaylin Maddox 6.035 541 4
Eric Lane 6.646 491 5
Grace Maddox 11.299 289 6
Kevin Webster DNS

Junior driver, Abe Maddox was amazingly focused on his qualifying run. His 2nd fastest lap time shows just how much. Jerry Pearson, with the third-fastest time, actually clicked off a blistering 4.9-second lap during qualifying.

Team Race Race-Off

The SR3 road course in team racing action.

So the event format was to pair the fastest qualifiers with the slower qualifiers and set up two-driver teams with the goal of making team racing more challenging and competitive. By the looks of the first team race, the format was very successful.

Second fastest qualifier, Abe Maddox and fifth-fastest qualifier, Eric Lane, were pitted against third-fastest qualifier, Jerry Pearson, and fourth-fastest qualifier Shaylin Maddox in the first team race:

Team Competition Points Summary
Track: SR3 Road Course Straight
Date: Sep-02-2023 11:30    Class: Viper V-SPEC SPEC RACER
Segment Length (laps): 10    Descr:
Team Name: Cat People Points
Team Members: Jerry Pearson 75
Shaylin Maddox(2) 64
Total Team Points = 139
Team Name: FastTrackers Points
Team Members: Abe Maddox(2) 76
Eric Lane 67
Total Team Points = 143

If the above results aren’t a good indicator of just how successful this racing format works, I’m not sure what is. Just 4-points decided the first team race, very close racing!

Team Race Finale

Grace Maddox was amazing in the penultimate team race!

After successfully winning the first team race in the bracket, the Fastrackers team was pitted against the fastest qualifier and the slowest qualifier in the finale.

The finale should have been much closer but junior driver, Grace Maddox, drove a superb race, bagging a second-place and a third-place segment finish and 46 total laps, only 7 laps less than the second-fastest qualifier and her big brother, Abe Maddox– awesome!

Team Competition Points Summary
Track: SR3 Road Course Straight
Date: Sep-02-2023 12:07    Class: Viper V-SPEC SPEC RACER
Segment Length (laps): 10    Descr:
Team Name: Fastrackers Points
Team Members: Abe Maddox(2) 66
Eric Lane 62
Total Team Points = 128
Team Name: Silly Pickles Points
Team Members: Steve Stewart 96
Grace Maddox(2)(2) 58
Total Team Points = 154

Team Race #3

Not sure how we decided on the team structure for the last team race but we didn’t qualify. We only had four drivers after Team Maddox had to depart to tend to some other important things (picking up a couple of new kittens). We decided to change up the racing platform from Vipers to to MegaG+ F1 cars for the last race of the day.

This one was interesting with three drivers winning two segments each. However,  the “Donuts” team won four total. Eric Lane stepped up at the right time, winning two segments and sealing the deal with 74 of the team’s 156 total points.

Team Competition Points Summary
Track: SR3 Road Course Straight
Date: Sep-02-2023 12:54    Class: Mega-G+ 1.7 Support Class
Segment Length (laps): 15    Descr:
Team Name: Dollars Points
Team Members: Jerry Pearson(2) 66
Kevin Webster 60
Total Team Points = 126
Team Name: Donuts Points
Team Members: Steve Stewart 82
Eric Lane 74
Total Team Points = 156

So, what did the individual results look like on the day?

Place Name Laps Points Total Time
1 Eric Lane 183 203 1666.433
2 Steve Stewart 148 178 1159.493
3 Abe Maddox(2) 110 142 860.476
4 Jerry Pearson 57 75 449.013
5 Jerry Pearson(2) 82 66 812.677
6 Shaylin Maddox(2) 54 64 470.328
7 Kevin Webster 82 60 833.123
8 Grace Maddox(2)(2) 46 58 399.498

It pays to hang in there and run as many races as you can, way to go, Eric!

Something a little different and lots of fun. Thank you all for showing up and trying something new.

Okay, shut up and drive!