Operations Updates

SlotTrak Fuel Management Features Update

Many of you have suffered from the SlotTrak bug that can occur during a yellow flag situation. As power is cut to the lanes, the software does not detect or register that you have entered the pits. When the track goes green, your car doesn’t refuel. This is very frustrating, of course.

I haven’t fully tested the latest version of SlotTrak because the Fuel Management feature didn’t work with those versions. However, their update documentation indicates they may have fixed this problem in one of the latest versions. We tried to run the latest on SR2 and SR3 several times, but the software did not detect pit entries, rendering the feature useless.

We’re currently running version 16.24. I plan to upgrade both SR2 and SR3 to version 17.34, which is currently the latest version available.

Kevin and I figured out after the racing last Saturday that this issue was caused by the latest version install, which seems to corrupt the TrackConfig file by removing the Pit Detection setup. Once we realized this was happening, we updated the TrackConfig file, and Boom! All was good!

So, the bottom line is that we’ll test the fuel management features during a future racing event and see if the latest version solves that pesky refueling problem most of us have experienced in the past. Let’s hope so!

StewartRaceway.org Web Site Unsecure or Not Secure Notices

I didn’t realize this was causing people to stop using our site or become concerned that the site was somehow potentially harmful.

All this means is that keystroke data going to/from the site is not encrypted via SSL [SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) and its successor, TLS (Transport Layer Security), are protocols for establishing secure links between networked computers.]

StewartRaceway.org is not an eCommerce site. To utilize it, you do not enter private or sensitive financial or other information anywhere on the site, and it does not collect or store that sort of information.

Unless you’re concerned about a remote possibility that somebody out there may be able to capture the keystrokes your computer sends to the site when leaving a comment on the site, for example, there is no threat to you or your computer/network. This is no different than any other site you use that doesn’t utilize expensive SSL/TLS technology.

StewartRaceway.org can conduct eCommerce activities, but we don’t sell or buy anything on the site today. No financial or personal/private information is collected. If that changes, of course we’d employ SSL/TLS technology to make sure those transactions and associated data was secure and protected.

So, please don’t fret about this message. I don’t think Russians, government agents, or other bad guys are snooping around StewartRaceway.org. And if they were, all they’d find out is that we’re having a lot of fun racing little cars for no money!

Okay, shut up and drive!


Open Track Report: June 22, 2024

Well, so much for testing, driver development, and working on cars. We  raced all day!

We had eight races total, nearly all IROC, ending with a Viper SPEC STOCK tuner’s race. I think we ran four races on the SR3 Fast Esses road course and four races on SR2’s Straight road course.

Sadly, we didn’t get to run any fuel races since a monitor was failing on SR3 and some sort of bug on SR2. Both problems are resolved and we’re good to go for the next event. Bug fixed on SR2 and new 50″ monitor on SR3. Now the monitors on SR3 are the same size.

Summary Of All Races
Place Name Laps Points Total Time
1 Kevin Webster 822 170 8456.623
2 Aaron Castro 781 165 7399.218
3 George Peters 337 144 2695.61
4 Jordan Walker 316 127 2738.839
5 Eric Lane 217 91 1838.66
6 Jerry Pearson 218 82 1875.337
7 Brad Sandahl 117 49 1097.331
8 Carrie Sandahl 95 34 1051.222
9 Steve Stewart 951 238 8313.851

Of course, the above is just a summary of points for all races run. Not all drivers ran every race. Only Kevin, Aaron, and Home Cook’n competed in all the races.

It was a fabulous day, and it was finally great to get back to slot car action at Stewart Raceway. We raced on SR3, about four races, and finished the final four on SR2.

A couple of notable races: The first was an IROC race utilizing Jag Hobbies NC2 chassis with AutoWorld Mustang hard bodies. I screwed that one up and didn’t get the minimum lap time set correctly. As a results, a few drivers were exceeding the minimum lap time and not scoring laps. Oh well, in the end, the two fastest drivers could not keep their lap times under the minimum and handed that race to Aaron, who was way down on laps with a lousy car but managed to win the race.

The second notable race was when Aaron, running on SR2, hooked up in the wrong lane for a heat. There were just three of us racing, and Aaron was supposed to be in the White lane but mistakenly hooked up in the Blue lane. Aaron actually led that heat from start to finish but did not log any laps or points—oops! Kevin bagged second in that one!

All in all, it was a fun day of pretty much all racing. Aaron finally got to run on SR2, which he adapted to extremely well.

Hopefully, we can get back to our routine now. I’m hoping to have another open track day this coming weekend and start a new racing series the following weekend.

Stay tuned for details.


Driver Stats Updated

Okay, I finally updated the driver stats on the site. A few interesting metrics are available at the moment:

      • Driver average placing for both races and heats/segments, and driver’s total laps, for each track and layout.
      • Driver total race wins.
      • Driver total heat/segment wins.

I think I have a good system for doing this now so I should be able to keep this data updated going forward. Please let me know in the comments section below if you can think of any other interesting metrics to report. I’m no SQL guru but I love dinking around with this stuff.

So who’s the most prolific driver in our group? If you exclude our expert drivers, junior driver, Abe Maddox has the most race and segment wins.

Race Report: 2023 50/50 Series Finale!

Wow, what a barn-burner day. This was the final round of this long-running series and it sure wasn’t short on drama.

Going into final round, Jordan Walker and Kevin Webster were separated by just 11 points in the Sportsman classification. Some big hardware was up for grabs by either driver for winning the series points chase so we all knew it was going to be a dogfight between those two drivers. The winner would not only take home a huge trophy but they would also advance from the Sportsman class to the Expert class ranks going forward.

Junior driver, Abe Maddox, had asked just prior to the first of the four races on the day whether he could win the series prize by winning the first race. No surprise there, since Abe had won many races leading up to the series finale. Sadly, I was the one that had to break the news that he could not secure enough points to take home the Mondo series trophy.

Abe took that bit of information in stride and clipped in for the first segment of the first race in the Yellow Lane, the very fast Viper SPEC RACER class.

Round 5 Short Story:
Place Name Laps Points Total Time
* Steve Stewart 478 64 2056.569
1 George Peters 466 50 2181.169
2 Jordan Walker 452 40 2059.462
3 Kevin Webster 426 23 2101.951
4 Eric Lane 414 20 2087.702
5 Jerry Pearson 228 18 1107.964
6 Abe Maddox 214 13 1091.765
7 Shaylin Maddox 208 8 1190.751
Race 1: Viper V-SPEC Lexan (SPEC RACER) (15v)
Home Cook’n, George Peters, Jerry Pearson

Abe didn’t seem to care that he couldn’t win the series. When the first segment went green, Abe quickly took the lead and would swap it with Expert driver, George Peters several times before winning segment 1. Abe also clicked off the fastest lap of the first segment. In fact, Team Maddox set the fastest laps of the race in both the Blue and Yellow lanes, with Mom, Shaylin, clicking off a blistering 3.178 in the Blue lane.

In the end, it was Home Cook’n just 2 laps ahead of George Peters with steadily improving Sportsman driver, Jerry Pearson, just behind and bagging the final podium spot in third. Abe amazingly finished in fourth overall. Kevin Webster bagged two 2nd place finishes but lost five laps in the red lane and would have to settle for fifth and just one point over Jordan Walker in sixth. Detailed Results

Place Name Laps Points Total Time
1 Steve Stewart 120 16 501.24
2 George Peters 118 13 504.73
3 Jerry Pearson 115 11 500.258
4 Abe Maddox 107 7 493.01
5 Kevin Webster 107 6 506.64
6 Jordan Walker 103 5 499.299
7 Eric Lane 103 4 502.194
8 Shaylin Maddox 102 3 574.754
Race 2: Viper V-SPEC 1.7 Indy Lexan (IROC) (15v)
Home Cook’n, George Peters, Jordan Walker

Since Abe and Shaylin had to bail out early on the day, we decided to stack the Viper races to give Abe a shot at a race win before he and his Mom had to leave. This IROC set of way fast cars is courtesy of Sportsman driver, Eric Lane, who donated this 6-car set of V-SPEC Vipers to Stewart Raceway earlier in the year. These are full-on Viper V-SPEC, Level 4 cars with 1.7 Lexan Indy bodies instead of the very fragile plastic Indy bodies that they usually ship with.

Abe Maddox came out swinging again in the second race of the day. He loves Vipers and these cars were very close to what he’s used to. Abe would end up with two 2nd-place finishes and a 3rd place–very impressive! Abe’s Mom, Shaylin finished just one lap behind Abe with one 2nd place finish and two 3rd place finishes plus the fastest lap of the race T 3.277 in the white lane–amazing!

Jordan Walker knew what he had to do and would finish Race #2 just behind 2nd place finisher and expert driver, George Peters, bagging 11 points and padding his lead over Kevin Webster who would only collect 3 much-needed points. Mr Consistent, Jerry Pearson, would collect the 4th place points just missing the last podium spot by 2 laps. Shaylin and Jordan both hold the current track records for this new class on SR2, Shaylin at 3.277 in white and Jordan at 3.346 in yellow. Detailed Results

Place Name Laps Points Total Time
1 Steve Stewart 120 16 475.604
2 George Peters 116 13 573.481
3 Jordan Walker 115 11 464.487
4 Jerry Pearson 113 7 607.706
5 Abe Maddox 107 6 598.755
6 Shaylin Maddox 106 5 615.997
7 Eric Lane 105 4 472.813
8 Kevin Webster 104 3 510.164
Race 3: MegaG+ 1.7 Indy/F1 Support Class (18v)
Home Cook’n, George Peters, Jordan Walker

As usual, this class is amazingly competitive. Even Home Cook’n couldn’t bag a perfect score and would lose one lap by overshooting the pits. Kevin Webster bounced back and gave Jordan a lot of pressure but did not come up with the points needed to thwart Jordan’s march to the series win. With Jerry Pearson and Team Maddox exiting the field halfway through the event, points would get a bit easier to collect. Jordan sealed the deal in in this one with a very nice 3rd place finish, just one position ahead of Kevin but secured four more points that would make it impossible for Kevin to overcome. The top three spots were very hotly contested with just 2 laps separating each driver in the end.

With Jordan and Kevin chasing each other and both on the verge of being Expert drivers, the effectively lone Sportsman driver in the field, Eric Lane, would find it more difficult than usual to work his way through the field. Eric did manage a 3rd-place segment finish with a best lap of 4.188 in blue, which showed he could put the hammer down. Jordan clicked off the fastest lap of the race at 3.899 also in the blue lane. Detailed Results

Place Name Laps Points Total Time
1 Steve Stewart 119 16 580.522
2 George Peters 117 13 591.233
3 Jordan Walker 115 11 583.594
4 Kevin Webster 110 7 571.422
5 Eric Lane 104 6 608.389
Race 4: Wizzard Storms (IROC) (18v)
Home Cook’n, Jordan Walker, George Peters

This very cool IROC set was provided by Webster Motorsports and, while noisy, they are very fast and stick like glue to the rails. Even at 18v they are very nearly drone cars but not quite, as many of us found out the hard way.

This final race was a dog fight between Jordan Walker and Home Cook’n. Not sure why Jordan fought so hard but I think he was on a mission to solidify the fact that he was now an Expert class driver. I think George spent much of this last race cheering and coaching Jordan on.

In the end, the battle ended on the same lap with Jordan coming up just a few feet short of the win–close! George finished a few laps down but was very pleased with Jordan’s results on the day. When this kid focuses on the task at hand, he’s unstoppable—congrats to Jordan on winning the Sportsman points chase and advancing to the Expert ranks!

While Kevin Webster didn’t come out on top in the final race, he did manage to set a new lap record for this car in the blue lane with a 3.755—nice!
Detailed Results

Place Name Laps Points Total Time
1 Steve Stewart 119 16 499.203
2 Jordan Walker 119 13 512.082
3 George Peters 115 11 511.725
4 Kevin Webster 105 7 513.725
5 Eric Lane 102 6 504.306
2023 50/50 Racing Series Overall Results
Place Name Laps Points Total Time
* Steve Stewart 1999 489 13436.37
1 George Peters 1957 417 13210.23
2 Jordan Walker 1839 310 13702.08
3 Kevin Webster 1592 282 12982.72
4 Jerry Pearson 1075 164 7470.777
5 Abe Maddox 388 90 2739.394
6 Fred Ebert 189 79 1658.412
7 Shaylin Maddox 376 74 2705.481
8 Eric Lane 1101 71 6481.973
9 Shaun Lee 466 51 1629.418
10 Martha Elderon 411 29 4115.863
11 Tim Bisson 126 6 1366.187
12 Jake Bisson 89 4 1250.72

That’s a wrap for this year’s 50/50 racing series. Jordan Walker advances to the Expert ranks for the next series, which means both classes should experience an increase in competition. I don’t think we ever determined who the 2022 season Rookie of the Year was but this season’s ROTY is still up for grabs while Abe Maddox pretty much has the Junior of the Year award all but in the bag.

Thank you all for supporting the racing program so far this season! Kathy and I really appreciate your support and interest!

Stay tuned for details on our next series and open track days coming up soon.

Okay, shut up and drive!

Open Track Day Galore

Abe celebrating win two on the day.

What an amazing day of slot car action!

The plan was to run all day exclusively on the 4-lane SR2 track. We started on SR2’s straight road course and did a bunch of hot laps before the usual suspects wanted to do some racing.

This was the first time in almost two years that we were running anything on the SR2 table. It took quite a few laps to clean the rails and get the cobwebs off the track. Due to a technical issue, we ran both practice and the only race on SR2 using Race Coordinator software, which did the job but had a couple of issues. Regardless, we were able to click off a race of six 25-lap heats using Kevin Webster’s Wizzard Storm Extreme IROC set.

Finish Seed Driver Laps Score L1 L2 L3 L 4
1 1 Abe Maddox 87 18 7 11 16 16
2 4 Steve Stewart 94 18 11 16 13 13
3 3 Martha Elderon 91 18 7 7 16 16
4 5 Shaylin Maddox 88 17 11 7 13 16
5 2 Jerry Pearson 94 15 11 11 13 13
6 6 Kevin Webster 86 15 7 7 13 11

Just a fun race but it was very, very competitive. Abe won two heats and Martha Elderon won two heats. Only Kevin and I had experience on SR2 so it was quite impressive to see the new drivers do so well on the different course. Detailed Results

Abe’s Mom, Shaylin, wins the final heat of the Wizzard Storm race on SR2.

As seems to be the trend these days, Abe won on points and Martha bagged the final podium spot just three laps down on Home Cook’n. Not to be outdone by Abe, his Mom, Shaylin won the final heat with a perfect score of 25 laps.

Matthew Johnson didn’t race but he sure did a bunch of laps.

Abe was eager to get back to the SR3 course and let his Viper car rip. After a bunch of laps on SR3 with a whole new slew of drivers, Abe continued his dominance on the day by winning the second race on SR3. It wasn’t exactly a level playing field since Abe was running a Viper V-SPEC rig against mostly less capable cars. But Abe remained focused as ever and managed to edge out his schoolmate, Dax Schwartz, by just two laps. Madeline Johnson was just three laps behind Dax. Dax’s brother, Julian Schwartz, was just one lap behind Madeline. Extremely close racing by our neighborhood junior drivers!

Visiting adult driver, Andrew Noske, from Australia, did very well in his first-ever slot car race posting the second-fastest lap of the race! Thanks for joining us, Andrew!  Detailed Results

Place Name Laps Points Total Time
1 Abe Maddox 40 17 364.271
2 Dax Schwartz 38 13 369.306
3 Madeline Johnson 35 11 370.117
4 Julian Schwartz 34 7 372.34
5 Andrew Noske 32 6 369.146

Okay, there it is. A beautiful day in the mountains, with a fantastic group of slotheads, and some seriously competitive and fun racing.

The juniors picking up their Hot Wheels hardware and medals.

Next weekend is the final round of the 2023 50/50 Series. Sportsman drivers, Jordan Walker and Kevin Webster are just eleven points apart in the series. Round 5 should decide which driver wins the series and moves on to the Expert ranks of our hobby. Best of luck to both drivers! The final round will be run on SR2 and will include at least two fuel races.

Okay, shut up and drive!