Open Track Day, January 13, 2024

Race 1: MegaG+ 1.7 “Paper” Whelen Modifieds

Wow, another mostly “racing” track day! We did about 300 laps of practice before the usual racing action broke out. So much for mentoring and driver development, this bunch just wants to race!

Race 3: Auto World Super III NASCAR hardbodies

We also had a couple of new folks show up to check things out. Turns out Kevin (Webster Motorsports) ran into one of them at a hobby shop in San Leandro sometime last year as he was trying to fulfill his annual recruitment quota (just kidding). Anyway, he gave Joe our contact info and Joe finally touched base and wanted to swing by and scope things out.

Joe brought along his girlfriend, Oxana, who may not have been looking forward to driving a HO car for a couple of hours as they passed through the Santa Cruz Mountains. But they both jumped right into hot lapping and drove many of the various cars we run during practice.  Before long, some wanted to race and both Joe and Oxana were all good with that.

We started with an IROC set of MegaG+ 1.7 cars with “Paper” Whelen Modified bodies, which Joe and Oxana adapted to very quickly since they had run the same class during their practice sessions. Joe finished third in his very first segment in the Orange lane, which was very impressive. Oxana, however, would stun the paddock with a full six-lane rotation and only one segment finishing worse than 4th place. Oxana finished four segments in the top 3–amazing!

Race 4: Viper V-SPEC F1/Indy 1.7 (i) Lexan (Eric Lane)

The good news is both Oxana and Joe had a great time. The bad news is that if Joe decides to get more into HO slot car racing, he’s going to need a box big enough to haul both his own AND Oxana’s equipment. The pair appear to be destined to dominate slot car racing very soon. Oxana and Joe didn’t have all day to play with little cars and had to depart shortly after our first race.

The other three races were pretty much the usual fast-and-furious events. The highlight of the day for me was the three female drivers in the mix. Oxana was amazing in her very first slot car race but we also had Aaron’s girlfriend, Olga Rosetta, and Team Johnson’s star Junior driver, Madeline Johnson in the mix. Olga and Madeline had a bunch of top 3 heat finishes throughout the day’s racing.

Not that I think there are any differences between male and female drivers when it comes to slot car racing, nevertheless I’m amazed at the caliber of female drivers we have participating in our program–way cool!

Next weekend will likely be another track day. Hopefully, Joe and Oxana will return for more driving experience and fun. The 2024 racing season will likely kick off on February 3rd with some sort of NASCAR series and an oval course event or two, we may even do more racing on SR2 this season. We’re upgrading the power control on SR2 to be the same as SR3.

Okay, shut up and drive!

Open Track Day Report: Jan 6, 2024

Wow! We had a total of nine (9) drivers show up for this track day event.

It was quite a mix of all the various skill levels but we decided to do a couple of open races with Experts, Sportsman, and juniors participating.

The big story was awarding Kevin Webster (Webster Motorsports) his 2023 Sportsman Championship trophy. Kevin had five (5) race wins during the season and managed to make an appearance at most of the races, which collected valuable points towards the 2023 championship.

Kevin has yet another plaque on the Stewart Raceway Wall of Fame. With an average placing of 3.5, Kevin is a player in not only the Sportsman class but also a frequent podium finisher against Expert-class drivers. Congrats, Kevin!

So back to the racing. We were supposed to work on some skill-building for Sportsman and Junior drivers but everybody wanted to race. What better way to develop skills than just flat-out racing each other?

The first race was way fun. We utilized Eric “Fast” Lane’s Ford Econoline and Dodge Tradesman IROC Vans with MegaG+ 1.7 chassis’. These cars are fairly quick and very top-heavy, which made for some driving challenges for all of us.

In the end, George Peters won the race with some superb driving against the hard-charging Sportsman driver, Jerry Pearson, and home-track favorite, Home Cook’n. Everybody had a blast driving Eric’s Vans despite a few issues with body retention and a couple of cars that were quite a handful to drive.

The highlight of the first race was Eric Lane and Kevin Webster battling it out in the final segment. Both drivers finished the final segment on the same lap (25) and just an inch or so apart as they crossed the finish line in 1st and 2nd. Amazing!

Place Name Laps Points Total Time
1 George Peters 143 77 1478.292
2 Steve Stewart 144 74 1447.122
3 Jerry Pearson 137 67 1453.532
4 Eric Lane 132 65 1513.803
5 Kevin Webster 138 64 1538.08
6 Matthew Johnson 121 49 1539.587
7 Madeline Johnson 120 44 1498.206
8 Shaylin Maddox 125 42 1482.958
9 Abe Maddox 123 40 1563.437

Again, we didn’t get much mentoring or skills-building done in between races and went right into the final race of the day. This time, we decided to use a set of house 440-X2 wide-pan chassis’ with late-model sportsman Lexan bodies. These cars have seen a lot of laps with guest and junior drivers this season and were not in the best shape for competitive IROC racing.

Despite a couple of issues, we forged ahead and completed another IROC race. This time it was Home Cook’n who came out on top by just two laps over George Peters in second. As usual, Kevin Webster bagged the last podium step only nine laps down on the top two finishers.

The notable result of this race was Junior driver, Abe Maddox, besting Sportsman driver, Jerry Pearson, by just one point in fourth place. In fact, other than Madeline Johnson spending more time practicing fuel stops instead of racing, the last race was incredibly close with just 10 laps separating the field.

Place Name Laps Points Total Time
1 Steve Stewart 100 64 754.995
2 George Peters 98 61 702.631
3 Kevin Webster 91 48 763.299
4 Abe Maddox 86 45 778.729
5 Jerry Pearson 98 44 839.809
6 Shaylin Maddox 87 44 728.629
7 Eric Lane 90 36 802.219
8 Madeline Johnson 77 34 724.444

What a great day of fun racing and hanging out with a great bunch of slot car racers. We’ll try to do at least one more track day before we kick-off the 2024 racing season. Stay tuned for details.

Okay, shut up and drive!

Stewart Raceway Wall Of Fame

The last 2023 Wall Of Fame plaques have been nailed and we’ve completed the season with seven (7) awards:

    • Junior Champion (Abe Maddox)
    • Sportsman Champion (Kevin Webster)
    • 50/50 Series Sportsman Champ (Jordan Walker)
    • 50/50 Series Expert Champ (George Peters)
    • 50/50 “Xtreme” Series Champ (Aaron Castro)
    • Most Improved Driver (Jerry Pearson)
    • Team of the Year (Team Maddox)

There was one additional plaque hung this season. Jerry Pearson won Rookie of the Year honors in 2022 and somehow we didn’t get that plaque up on the wall in 2022. Sorry, Jerry! It’s on the wall now.

One of the cool highlights of the 2023 season was the many female drivers that competed at Stewart Raceway.  We’ve been blessed by truly great and very competitive female drivers who love to race. The drivers listed below win races and are amazing drivers who are only going to get better and better:

    • Shaylin Maddox (Sportsman)
    • Martha Elderon (Sportsman)
    • Madeline Johnson (Junior)
    • Grace Maddox (Junior)

Next season we may consider separate awards for female drivers but I fully expect at least some of the above drivers to win awards outright. They are awesome!

Okay, shut up and drive!

2023 Season Awards and Track Day

Our amazing 2023 racing season has ended with a final track day and potluck event. Thank you all for attending and bringing all kinds of great food, snacks, chocolates, and wine!

We had a full contingent of junior drivers, Team Johnson and Team Maddox all here. The juniors did a bunch of laps in open practice (Madeline Johnson finished practice with over 500 laps!).

We only did one fun race, A Dash race of six drivers and 35 laps. Madeline Johnson won it by 3 laps over hard-charging Junior Champ, Abe Maddox in second. Olga Rosetta (Aaron’s girlfriend and team manager) bagged the final podium spot in her first-ever slot car race–very impressive!

Madeline Johnson, Abe Maddox, Olga Rosetta

Here are some pics of the awards festivities.

Junior Points Champion, Abe Maddox.

Rookie of the Year and Most Improved Driver, Jerry Pearson.

2023 50/50 Extreme Series winner, Aaron Castro.

2023 50/50 Xtreme Series, Aaron Castro (right), and the rest of the award and race winners.

Wow! Slot car racing is one of those activities that everyone can enjoy. It is so awesome to have such an amazing cross-section of racers participating in our program. Thank you all for making our 2023 racing season so fun and memorable.

Have a great Christmas and New Years!

Okay, shut up and drive!

Final Round of 2023 50/50 Xtreme Series Captured On Video

Yep, we video-recorded all four official races of Round 4. Could be a little boring since we didn’t have enough marshals to pull off a normal race, so there are a lot of yellow flags and other interruptions. However, you can fast forward, rewind, skip, whatever. The bottom line is you can learn a lot about reviewing how you did during a race.

Check out what’s here and let me know what you think. Lots to work out, including better lighting, presentation, and plenty of other improvements.

Okay, shut up and drive!