2021 Driver Statistics

Well, it’s not a completely accurate account since many of us have been racing at Stewart Raceway since about 2016 and many races are not recorded here since we sometimes use Race Coordinator instead of SlotTrak.  However, these stats are based on the average finishing position in each race recorded by SlotTrak since 2018 and excludes any drivers who did not race or attend events in 2021. What it does indicate is what your average results were in the races you completed in 2021 at Stewart Raceway using SlotTrak timing software.

In any case, the top 10 drivers were:

  1. Ian Douglass @2.1
  2. Steve Stewart @2.5
  3. Brad Sandahl @2.9 (Rookie of the Year)
  4. Ted Essy @2.93
  5. Greg Kondrek @3.4
  6. Mike  Andrews @4.0
  7. George Peters @4.8
  8. Russ Toy @5.2
  9. Kevin Webster @5.4
  10. Jordan Walker @5.8 (Junior of the Year)

For complete stats for each race/class, please visit Race Results and Driver Stats Archive.

The below table represents a summary of Driver Stats for only the 2021 season. It does not include races held using Race Coordinator. In addition, Ted and Bruce do not have any SlotTrak results in 2021.

2021 Driver Statistics and Average Placing Summary

DriverAvg PlacingAvg LapAvg Fast Lap
Steve Stewart1.785.94.27
Ian Douglass2.15.6443.053
Greg Kondrek2.595.774.42
Brad Sandhal2.95.61.686
Ted Essy2.935.0051.769
Mike Andrews46.2333.315
George Peters4.85.9991.619
Russ Toy5.26.6533.37
Bruce Douglas5.37.3233.284
Kevin Webster5.46.2391.686
Jordan Walker5.87.1031.527
Not exactly accurate data since I didn't have time to sort based on just 2021 race results, or include results from races where we used Race Coordinator (a few). In any case, it does show your average placing of all races recorded by SlotTrak software since 2018.

We’ll be honoring ROTY and JOTY drivers at Round 1 of the 2022 Formula “e” Series in January. We’ll do a Driver of the Year Award at the end of this coming season.

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Author: Race Director

Just an old slot car racer and Race Director at Stewart Raceway.

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