Round 2 of the Fe Series indicated that the AFX/RaceMasters injected-molded F1/Indy bodies may not be the hot setup, at least for oval track racing.
The Round 2, 400-lap, PR-5 “race-winning” body was a rather heavy 3d-printed 2021 F1 body. The only modification was some slight removal of underside material to get the body to sit at the proper attitude for racing, a very minor and quick mod, which is not required for the intended MG/MG+ 1.7 chassis.
Here are the weights of a few of the bodies campaigned in Round 2 of the 2022 Formula “e” Series. The Viper and Gary Fast bodies are shown for reference.

No idea yet what is the best choice for both oval and road racing but hope this info helps. The current rules aren’t real specific so you can lighten any of these bodies. However, if you lose a rear or front wing, or otherwise break off a significant piece of the body while racing, you could be DQ’d.