Category: Polls
Polls or surveys
2024 Summer 50/50 Series, Round 1, July 6, 2024
That’s right, we’re going racing again on July 6. More details on the new series and the first event are here.
If you haven’t already secured your place on the starting grid, you can do that via the Google Calendar page here.
This will be a five (5) round series. You can miss one complete race day, best points total out of four events.
I’d also like to introduce at least one new car class in this series. I’m thinking of any of the following cool platforms:
- Viper V-SPEC “SPEC STOCK” Hardbody class (no body posts chassis)
- Jag Hobbies NC-2 “SPEC STOCK” GT40 Harbody class
- Jag Hobbies PR-5 “SPEC STOCK” Hardbody class
- Jag Hobbies TR-3 “Lites” Grand Sport Corvette bodies or maybe the short wheelbase Augoran bodies.
- Another option for a new class could be the MG+ 1.5 chassis. We could run many hard bodies or paper bodies on that platform.
I’m bullish on the Jag Hobbies platforms but open to anything the group considers a good choice. Please review the links above and let me know what platforms you’d be okay adding to the mix by completing the following survey.
Other than the Viper V-SPEC chassis at ~$50.00, all the others are relatively cheap. The Jag Hobbies TR-3, for example, is only $25.00 for a complete rolling chassis. In any case, expect to invest roughly $50 to $75 to procure any of these platforms with the appropriate body.
Driver/Team Availability Survey
We’ve added several new drivers/teams to the program in recent weeks and discovered that Saturday races or track days aren’t ideal for some.
We’d like to find out where each driver/team stands on this so we’d like you to participate in the below survey to find out what truly is the ideal day/night and time to hold races or track days.
It may well be that Saturday is still the best day for events but we may also discover that there is enough interest to do additional events on a weeknight or maybe even on Sundays.
Please take this short survey and let us know where you stand on the topic.
2022 NASCAR MADness Series: Oval or Road Course for Round 4?
We need to do at least one more oval course race in the 2022 NASCAR MADness Series. We either run the oval for Round 4 on July 23, or the final round on August 6. Which do you prefer? Continue reading “2022 NASCAR MADness Series: Oval or Road Course for Round 4?”