Driver/Team Availability Survey

We’ve added several new drivers/teams to the program in recent weeks and discovered that Saturday races or track days aren’t ideal for some.

We’d like to find out where each driver/team stands on this so we’d like you to participate in the below survey to find out what truly is the ideal day/night and time to hold races or track days.

It may well be that Saturday is still the best day for events but we may also discover that there is enough interest to do additional events on a weeknight or maybe even on Sundays.

Please take this short survey and let us know where you stand on the topic.

Driver/Team Availability Survey
Driver/Team Availability Survey
We have a few drivers that have difficulty making regular Saturday race/track dates. Saturday during the day has long been the best day for many of us but we haven't formally surveyed the whole group in quite a while.

What is your preferred schedule for attending "official" races? *

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What week days would you be available to race?*

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What week day start time would work best for you?*

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What weekend day is best for you to attend?*

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What weekend start time works best for you?*

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How much time in hours would you typically be able to dedicate to a race day or night?*

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Comments, suggestions, recommendations, etc.?

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Author: Race Director

Just an old slot car racer and Race Director at Stewart Raceway.

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