Looking for a new hobby or recreational interest? Slot car racing might just be what you’re looking for. From the technical and artistic building and modeling aspects to the actual competitiveness of racing, this hobby has it all.
Slot Car Racing History
The slot car interest all started for me back in the 1970’s. While slot car racing may be a fringe hobby today, it was hot and heavy way back then. Today, the cars and tracks have improved immensely and the thrill and adrenalin of little car racing are as addictive as ever.
Slot Car Racing Today
Stewart Raceway currently consists of two custom routed H.O. scale raceways: Stewart Raceway II is a residential 4-lane, 70′ routed track situated indoors in an air-conditioned environment; Stewart Raceway III is a 6-lane 78′ routed track situated in a detached garage on the same premises with a bit more room for larger race meets. Both tracks convert to multiple layouts, including oval racing.
Stewart Raceway is located in the California Bay Area’s Santa Cruz Mountains, just minutes away from Highway 17 and Summit Road.
No, the name isn’t an ego thing. The track name I wanted was “Villa del Monte” raceway. However, my wonderful wife (and primary sponsor) got me a cool wall plaque that displayed “Stewart Raceway” just after we built our first track, I guess it stuck.
We race all kinds of H.O. scale cars but try to limit racing to just a handful of popular, available, and affordable platforms. Costs for cars range from just $29 to upwards of $200 each. However, nearly all of the classes we race are very close to stock, which makes the racing affordable and very competitive.
You don’t need to have cars or equipment to join us. We have plenty of loaner controllers and competitive cars you can use to ease into racing at Stewart Raceway. Show up and check things out anytime we’re racing or having an open track day. Loaner equipment and cars are always available.
Is Slot Car Racing In Your Future?
We’re always looking for new drivers to join us. If you like racing anything, you’ll enjoy the excitement and adrenaline of racing little cars just as much. By early 2022, we’ll have multiple tracks, both road courses and oval track racing, for all skill levels.
If you’re looking for a new, inexpensive, and exciting hobby or a new interest in your life, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us and schedule a time to swing by and check things out.
Slot car racing is way fun!
Track Details:

(Straight Road Course)

(Oval Course)